Clare Grady started her prison sentence on Wednesday, February 10. She is one of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 who entered the Trident nuclear submarine base in Georgia almost three years ago on April 4, 2018, to nonviolently and symbolically disarm omnicidal nuclear weapons. Her daughters, Leah and Rosie, and husband, Paul, drove Clare 11 hours from Ithaca, NY to West Virginia where they met at the prison gate with Clare’s sister, Teresa, dear friend Chrissy Nesbitt, and Chrissy’s husband David. She’ll be in COVID quarantine for the next 2 to 3 weeks so we most likely won’t hear from her during this period of isolation. She can receive letters, though, and her address is below:
Clare Grady #01264-052
FPC Alderson
Federal Prison Camp
Glenn Ray Road, Box A
Alderson, WV 24910
Please remember to write your return address on the letter, as Clare and the other KBP7 members in prison won’t receive the envelope.