Capenhurst – 50 Years of Uranium Enrichment

On 4th March we joined a protest was held at Urenco’s Capenhurst nuclear plant, to grieve for exactly 50 years of uranium enrichment there.  Uranium mining harms the environment, nuclear generates electricity at astronomic cost and with serious risks (think of Chernobyl, Fukushima, the Windscale fire etc.), produces ever-growing radioactive waste that remains deadly for centuries that no-one knows what to do with (let our grandchildren worry about that), but the bottom line is that no macho government anywhere can have a nuclear bomb without first having a ‘civilian’ nuclear industry.  Our protest was joined by a woman from Japan with first-hand knowledge of the lives ruined by the Fukushima catastrophe

This is how you change the world.

On 14-15 February 2020, 300 students, activists and passionate people involved in changing the world and challenging the status quo came together at the ICAN Paris Forum: how to ban bombs and influence people. These are just some of the key takeaways.

CND Campaign

The March edition of National CND’s ‘Campaign’ magazine is now available to download and includes:

  • Kate Hudson steps down as CND General Secretary
  • Work begins on new nuclear warheads
  • Groups’ events

Ash Wednesday 2020

Today we joined together with Liverpool Pax Christi for the Ash Wednesday witness. After gathering at St. Luke’s Church, we proceeded through the city centre, stopping at the Queen Elizabeth Law Courts, and on to the Town Hall.
We are calling on Liverpool city council to follow the lead of their counterparts in Manchester and other cities around the world, in supporting the Global Ban on nuclear weapons.

We would like to ask all our members and supporters to contact their councillors, urging them to speak out against nuclear proliferation and Britain’s possession of nuclear weapons.

A selection of images taken from Ash Wednesday is below.