Liverpool Ash Wednesday Vigil
On 17th February, members of Liverpool Pax Christi held a socially-distanced, silent vigil against nuclear weapons and called on the British Government to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Pictures of the event are below and you can find out more about their campaigns on Twitter
No Return to Blair Wars – Online Launch

As a result of the overwhelming response to their pamphlet, No Return to Blair Wars, Stop the War Coalition are holding an online event where you can discuss the topics raised and ask questions of the authors.
In the pamphlet, Lindsey German and Andrew Murray argue against the Labour Party returning to its foreign policies of the past, such as ‘liberal interventionism’, which brought about the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq as has been suggested by some front bench MPs in A Progressive Foreign Policy for New Times.
The event is free to attend and you can register here
Clare Grady reports to prison – Kings Bay Plowshares update
Clare Grady started her prison sentence on Wednesday, February 10. She is one of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 who entered the Trident nuclear submarine base in Georgia almost three years ago on April 4, 2018, to nonviolently and symbolically disarm omnicidal nuclear weapons. Her daughters, Leah and Rosie, and husband, Paul, drove Clare 11 hours from Ithaca, NY to West Virginia where they met at the prison gate with Clare’s sister, Teresa, dear friend Chrissy Nesbitt, and Chrissy’s husband David. She’ll be in COVID quarantine for the next 2 to 3 weeks so we most likely won’t hear from her during this period of isolation. She can receive letters, though, and her address is below:
Clare Grady #01264-052
FPC Alderson
Federal Prison Camp
Glenn Ray Road, Box A
Alderson, WV 24910
Please remember to write your return address on the letter, as Clare and the other KBP7 members in prison won’t receive the envelope.
Futher information
Boris Johnson: Stop Arming Saudi Arabia

President Joe Biden’s announcement of an end to US support for the war on Yemen and a suspension of arms sales to Saudi Arabia is a welcome change to US foreign policy. Shamefully, the British government continues to support the war which has created the worst humanitarian crisis on earth. The overwhelming majority of those with views oppose the war and oppose arms sales to Saudi Arabia on both sides of the Atlantic.
Following the Biden announcement and the World Says No to War on Yemen Global Day of Action involving tens of thousands of people in 28 countries, Stop the War is stepping up its campaign to demand the British government ends all support for the war and all arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Stop the War Convenor, Lindsey German, said: ‘The crisis in Yemen which threatens the lives of more than 20 million people is not a natural disaster, it is a direct result of the Saudi-led war of which Britain is now the main western backer. Quite simply, Johnson and Raab have blood on their hands. Their support for the carnage in Yemen must end immediately’.