Watch live at 2pm, Sat. 25th April – https://facebook.com/CNDuk/live
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Watch live at 2pm, Sat. 25th April – https://facebook.com/CNDuk/live
15:00 (UK time), 25th April
In the context of the suffering and changes being wrought by the pandemic, the two- hour world conference will focus on the continuing urgent need to abolish nuclear weapons and its relationship to stanching the climate emergency and challenging injustices which have left so many people marginalized and vulnerable. Additional sessions of the World Conference and four workshops will be for a healthier time in the future.
Speakers include:
• Sharon Burrows (ITUC, Australia)
• Reiner Braun (IPB, Germany)
• Joseph Gerson (AFSC/CPDCS/IPB, USA)
• Emad Kiyaei (IDG Group, Iran)
• Hiroshi Takakusaki (Gensuikyo, Japan)
• Rev. Liz Theoharis (Poor People’s Campaign, USA)
• Dr. Carlos Umana (IPPNW, Costa Rica)
• Wada Masako (Japan Confederation of A- & H- Bomb Sufferers Organizations, Japan)
For more information go to worldconference2020.org
We still need to raise around £10,000 to continue campaigning in support of the NPT. The total raised could help us brief UK parliamentarians on the NPT, engage with politicians, diplomats and representatives of the international peace movement on disarmament, and play a leading role in shaping political and civil society debate on nuclear weapons.
The current public health crisis brings into stark relief just how morally wrong it is for this country to be spending hundreds of £billions on nuclear weapons. This is money that we could be spending on healthcare instead, meaning our NHS would now be better placed to face threats such as the Coronavirus pandemic.
It’s 50 years since the NPT – which the UK signed – came into force. This means the UK has a 50 year old promise to live up to: to disarm its nuclear weapons. It’s high time the government fulfilled that promise and scrapped the UK’s nuclear weapons for good.
CND is demanding that the government gets its priorities in order and takes concrete steps to meet its commitments under the NPT by disarming its nuclear arsenal.
There has never been a better time to remind yourself of the power of the movement. We Are Many is the story of the biggest demonstration in human history, which took place on 15th February 2003, against the impending war on Iraq.
On Wednesday the Stop The War Coalition be hosting a Q&A with the film’s director Amir Amirani, John Rees (Stop the War Officer and Author) and Salma Yaqoob (Stop the War Patron and Activist).
Join them and get involved in the discussion. We can take questions live during the Q&A but please feel free to send in any questions you may have for the panelists in advance by emailing office@stopwar.org.uk.