Opposing War and Sanctions in the Time of Coronavirus

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Join Medea Benjamin from CODE PINK: Women For Peace and Lindsey German from Stop the War Coalition to discuss how we can continue to come together against war in this extraordinary time.

With the Coronavirus crisis having unprecedented effects on the planet we must bear in mind that the last two decades of Western invasions, sanctions and bombing campaigns have helped to create conditions in which it can thrive. Sharp foreign policy changes are needed to help stop the spread of the disease amongst some of the most vulnerable populations on earth.

Meanwhile, vital funds that could have been invested in the NHS and our public services have been wasted to fund unnecessary wars and illegal military interventions for two decades.

Invest in Real Security, Not Trident

Covid-19 doesn’t mean that CND is not continuing to campaign for nuclear disarmament, in fact, the pandemic has shone a light on government priorities and re-confirmed how important our work is, Now More Than Ever.

None of the daily updates from the Prime Minister and Chancellor have included mention of the huge budget still allocated to Trident and its replacement.

Nuclear weapons are of no use when we are faced with such an unprecedented threat.

For many years we have been campaigning under the slogans NHS Not Trident; Homes Not Trident; Education Not Trident….. and now we see the NHS already straining and struggling under the threat of the pandemic. Operations are cancelled; hospital beds are being bought from private health companies; nurses are being encouraged to come out of retirement, and it can only get worse.

Everyone one of us has been proved right. If the UK government had focused budget spend on health and welfare rather than nuclear weapons the NHS would be in a much better position to deal with this crisis.

The first task is to send a letter to your MP encouraging them to lobby the Prime Minister asking how he is prioritising his focus and budget.

Office opening hours

Due to coronavirus outbreak the Merseyside CND office will be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays for the forseeable future. We will continue to be open for the rest of the week from 10:30 – 16:00.

New CND T-shirts at Teemill

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve got a fantastic offer this weekend: it’s Buy One Get One Tree on our Teemill Store! This means that for every purchase made, our friends at Teemill will plant a tree – meaning you can treat yourself to a T-shirt, support our campaign against nukes and help the environment, all at the same time.

All of our Teemill garments are both ethically made and environmentally friendly, made from 100% organic cotton and produced in a wind-powered factory.

And this weekend, for every order you make, a tree will be planted! You don’t need to opt in or pay for tree planting for your orders – it will be done automatically at checkout. 

We’ve got a fantastic selection of designs and garments available, including hoodies, jumpers, T-shirts, tops, tote bags, and even kids’ Tees.

All purchases support the campaign and help spread the anti-nuclear message, so why not treat yourself and the environment and Buy One Get One Tree Today

Capenhurst – 50 Years of Uranium Enrichment

On 4th March we joined a protest was held at Urenco’s Capenhurst nuclear plant, to grieve for exactly 50 years of uranium enrichment there.  Uranium mining harms the environment, nuclear generates electricity at astronomic cost and with serious risks (think of Chernobyl, Fukushima, the Windscale fire etc.), produces ever-growing radioactive waste that remains deadly for centuries that no-one knows what to do with (let our grandchildren worry about that), but the bottom line is that no macho government anywhere can have a nuclear bomb without first having a ‘civilian’ nuclear industry.  Our protest was joined by a woman from Japan with first-hand knowledge of the lives ruined by the Fukushima catastrophe