What Hurts M(or)e

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
Today we joined together with Liverpool Pax Christi for the Ash Wednesday witness. After gathering at St. Luke’s Church, we proceeded through the city centre, stopping at the Queen Elizabeth Law Courts, and on to the Town Hall.
We are calling on Liverpool city council to follow the lead of their counterparts in Manchester and other cities around the world, in supporting the Global Ban on nuclear weapons.
We would like to ask all our members and supporters to contact their councillors, urging them to speak out against nuclear proliferation and Britain’s possession of nuclear weapons.
A selection of images taken from Ash Wednesday is below.
The Spring edition of the Merseyside CND newsletter now available to download and includes:
Film and Panel Discussion
14:00, Sunday 1st March – Liverpool Picturehouse at FACT
Part film essay, part documentary THE PLAN tells the untold story of how a group of British weapons engineers switched to designing hybrid engines and wind turbines and were nominated for the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. At a time when climate injustice is fanning the flames of inequality THE PLAN looks at how this group of eco-pioneering aerospace engineers took control for the sake of the planet. Their heroism has been forgotten but as constant wars and climate crisis proliferate there’s vital lessons to be learnt from their story.
Premiered at the London Film Festival and nominated for the Grierson Award, THE PLAN is being screened at launch events in Liverpool and 6 cities on 1st March
Picturehouse at FACT 1st March
THE PLAN Part 1: 2pm – 4pm, Interval: 4pm – 4:30pm
Part 2: 4:30pm – 6pm, panel Q&A: 6pm
This film captures a unique moment in our history – highly skilled workers showing how to turn swords into ploughshares. If we want to transform society, this is a good place to start”
Ken Loach
“An urgent and gripping piece of work, reflecting on the dark consequences of capitalism on society and proposing an encouraging alternative for a troubling present” London Film Festival
Amongst the many storms provoked by the Johnson electoral victory, debates about the direction of the UK’s defence policy are crucial. Read more about why a National Security Council meeting was cancelled in this magazine. We also look at how CND’s history is being preserved for future generations.
Download the February edition of Campaign