Today we joined Youth Climate Strike for their latest demo in Liverpool. It was so inspiring to see so many people dedicated to fighting climate change.
December News Update
Our December news update is now available to download and includes:

- Details of the upcoming Youth Climate Strike
- Remembrance Day 2019
- CND’s General Election lobbying tool
- Roger Stephenson’s article on the Kings Bay Plowshares 7
- Meetings and Christmas Fairs

Remembrance Day 2019
On 11th November, members and supporters of Merseyside CND and Liverpool Pax Christi gathered in St. John’s Gardens to honour the memory of all those have lost their lives to war, regardless of their nationality, race or religion. We look forward to a time when such barbaric conflict is thing of the past.
A big thank you to everyone who came.
Screening of Carry Greenham Home
19:00, Tuesday 12th November @ The CASA, Hope Street, Liverpool
ENTRY: £3 (£1 Unwaged)

Throughout history women have mobilised their status as mothers, daughters and grandmothers to protest war and violence. 1968 marked the year global alliances were formed between feminism and the peace and anti-Vietnam movements.
Fast forward to the UK in 1981, from the first arrivals ‘Women for Life on Earth’ to the thirty thousand women who formed a human chain to Aldermaston in 1983, the Greenham Common Peace Camp was a shining example of non-violent feminist action, changing both lives and laws. “The women of Greenham Common taught a generation how to protest,” noted Beeban Kidron, who made this, her first film, while living on-site with co-director Amanda Richardson.
Shot on video, its depiction of the courage, creativity and humour of the Greenham women contrasted greatly at the time with mainstream media portraits, giving greater insight into their motivations, and remains a seminal work of British feminism on film.
– Independent Cinema Office
The evening is hosted by filmmakers Hazuan Hashim & Phil Maxwell for Wavertree CLP Fundraising Film Night. There will be a raffle at the end with some fabulous prizes.