Constituency Lobby
With Parliament set to vote on the replacement of Trident, Britain’s nuclear weapons system, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament has called for a nation-wide constituency lobby of MPs on 22nd and 23rd January. Since they are making the decision it is the Members of Parliament who must be persuaded not to allow a new generation of morally reprehensible, obscenely expensive and ultimately useless nuclear weapons.
We have compiled a list of all Merseyside MPs’ contact details to help you make an appointment and persuade your MP to vote against Trident replacement.
National Demonstration

Merseyside CND is organising a coach to the national demonstration which will leave from St. John’s Lane, Liverpool at 6:45am and, after stopping of at Chester Bus Station at 7:20am, will arrive in London at approximately 12:30. We’ll be leaving London at around 17:00 and should be back in Liverpool by 23:00. Tickets, priced at £20 – Concessions and £25 – Waged, will be available from the MCND Office (151 Dale St., Liverpool, L2) and News from Nowhere in the new year.
This is likely to be our last chance to show large-scale public opposition to Trident before the Parliamentary vote, so please join us!